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Elżbieta Pakuła, DDS


She is a graduate of the Medical University of Lublin. After her studies, she participated in numerous courses and conferences in various branches of dentistry. For many years she dealt with general dentistry, however, the orthodontic treatment and procedures of aesthetic character, which very often go hand in hand with bite rehabilitation, gave her the most satisfaction.


She completed postgraduate studies in Aesthetic Medicine at the Warsaw Medical University, which gave her a broader view of the face, its proportions and the role of the smile in the pursuit of a satisfactory result of treatment procedures. Over the years, she has focused all her attention on orthodontic treatment. She completed a series of postgraduate courses run by the GNATHOS Centre for Orthodontic Studies in Madrid, as well as a two-year practical course at the Orthoquick Dental Specialisation Centre.

After the nostrification of her diploma, she completed her postgraduate studies in Madrid at UDIMA University, obtaining the Master de Ortodoncia, Oclusión y Cirugia Ortognatica . With braces treatment becoming increasingly common worldwide, she completed postgraduate studies in Málaga, obtaining the title Master Orthodoncia Invisible Sistema Invisalign.

At the clinic, she deals exclusively with orthodontic treatment, which in many cases requires close cooperation with doctors from other specialities for the treatment to have the desired and lasting effect. Patient satisfaction is very important to us.

In her private life, she appreciates relaxation in the comfort of her home. She loves travelling and spending time in the garden with her pets.