Meet the creators of
a ground-breaking treatment concept
The MALO CLINIC medical team devised this treatment method 25 years ago in our Lisbon clinic.

About us
A world leader in dentistry and implantology.
Malo Clinic has been operating since 1995. New surgical techniques developed over 25 years ago by our Lisbon research team made Malo Clinic a recognized world leader in implantology and dental rehabilitation. The All-on-4® technique enabling immediate rehabilitation of edentulous people was the key success factor.
In Poland, Malo Clinic has been operating since 2009. Malo Clinic Polska is located in Warsaw, where doctors of all dental specialties are available to provide comprehensive and professional care. In Szczecin and Gdynia, there are Malo Clinic consultation centres specialising in the treatment of toothlessness.
Malo Clinic
A world leader in dentistry and implantology
Malo Clinic has been operating since 1995. New surgical techniques developed over 25 years ago by our Lisbon research team made Malo Clinic a recognized world leader in implantology and dental rehabilitation. The All-on-4® technique enabling immediate rehabilitation of edentulous people was the key success factor.
In Poland, Malo Clinic has been operating since 2009. Malo Clinic Polska is located in Warsaw, where doctors of all dental specialties are available to provide comprehensive and professional care. In Szczecin and Gdynia, there are Malo Clinic consultation centres specialising in the treatment of toothlessness.
The All-on-4® treatment concept according to the Malo Clinic Protocol is a breakthrough solution in the treatment of toothlessness in just one day. No pain, no bone grafting.
Malo Clinic Protocol
The All-on-4® method is an element of the MALO CLINIC PROTOCOL. At Malo Clinic, we rebuild a full upper and/or lower dental arch with a fixed bridge mounted on four implants, installed on the day of the procedure. The surgical part does not require a bone graft. In the case of significant jawbone atrophy, specially designed implants are anchored in the zygomatic bone.
A smile in just one day
For patients with complete edentulism or with the teeth that do not warrant effective results, the procedure guarantees immediate restoration of all functions of the oral cavity. A patient leaves the clinic after same-day procedure with a denture. The Malo Clinic Bridge, made of the highest quality materials, enables not only reconstruction of the teeth, but also rehabilitation of soft tissues - it perfectly simulates natural teeth, significantly improves phonetic and masticatory functions, and is easy to clean.
Our Offer
Metamorphosis of smile
We change lives
This is Malo Clinic's proprietary project, where we change the patients’ lives at no cost.
Missing teeth are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health issue. For several years now, the Good Morning TVN (DDTVN) viewers have been watching extraordinary transformations of our patients' smiles. Every year, we select eight persons and we perform immediate tooth reconstruction for them according to the Malo Clinic protocols, completely for free

A new smile often means much more than just pretty teeth. It is a chance for a new life, a new start, new opportunities. Such stories inspire and motivate viewers. We are proud to be part of such

Metamorphosis of smile

Zmieniamy życie
To autorski projekt Malo Clinic, w którym zmieniamy życie naszych pacjentów za darmo.
Braki w uzębieniu to nie tylko problem estetyczny, ale też zdrowotny. Od kilku lat na antenie DDTVN widzowie obserwują niezwykłe metamorfozy uśmiechy naszych pacjentów. Co roku wybieramy 8 osób, u których nieodpłatnie przeprowadzamy
natychmiastową odbudowę zębów według protokołów Malo Clinic. Nowy uśmiech to często zdecydowanie więcej niż tylko ładne zęby. To szansa na nowe życie, nowy start i nowe możliwości. Te historie inspirują i wzruszają. Jesteśmy dumni, że jesteśmy ich częścią.
A journey for a smile
Start your journey for a smile
with Malo Clinic -
no matter where you are!
Do you live and work abroad? We know how important it is to return home, and how valuable your time spent with your family is. Do you want to take care of your smile and still have time for your loved ones? With Malo Clinic it's easier than you think. We have prepared a customised journey for a smile dedicated to our travelling patients. Only one visit is required to build your broad smile.

Do you want to be up to date with our promotions and best offers? Do you have any questions relating to dentistry or dental treatment? Are you wondering which services are worth using? You will find all this and more right here.
March – Oral Health Month
March – Oral Health Month Do you have problems with your teeth?Do your teeth need support? When cavities, gaps, or missing teeth appear, even simple activities like eating and chewing become a challenge. Imagine trying to eat with a fork…
Smile Metamorphosis with Malo Clinic
Smile Metamorphosis with Malo Clinic For many years, Malo Clinic with DDTVN has been fulfilling the dreams of a beautiful smile for patients for whom dental treatment is not within reach. By performing the All-on-4® treatment according to Malo Clinic…
Smile, like winning the lottery
Mr. Rafał is warm and sociable father & husband. He loves to laugh and effortlessly entertained others. Unfortunately, a tragic accident drastically altered his life, causing him to almost stop smiling overnight. His participation in the ‘Smile Metamorphosis’ at Malo…
Paweł Bilski
Paweł Bilski DJ, młody ojciec; ze strachu unikał wizyt u lekarza stomatologa, co zaważyło na jego życiu osobistym i poczuciu pewności siebie. Zobacz, jak zmienił się Paweł już po jednym dniu w naszej klinice. Przygotowany przez nas most tymczasowy, choć nieidealny, pozwolił…
March – Oral Health Month
March – Oral Health Month Do you have problems with your teeth?Do your teeth need support? When cavities, gaps, or…
Smile Metamorphosis with Malo Clinic
Smile Metamorphosis with Malo Clinic For many years, Malo Clinic with DDTVN has been fulfilling the dreams of a beautiful…
Smile, like winning the lottery
Mr. Rafał is warm and sociable father & husband. He loves to laugh and effortlessly entertained others. Unfortunately, a tragic…
Paweł Bilski
Paweł Bilski DJ, młody ojciec; ze strachu unikał wizyt u lekarza stomatologa, co zaważyło na jego życiu osobistym i poczuciu…