
Malo Clinic

Metamorphosis of smile

At Malo Clinic, we make dreams come true and change patients' lives. Every year, eight persons undergo a complete smile transformation under the care of our best specialists - completely free of charge. We are aware that financial situation often limits the possibility of starting dental treatment, and everyday problems take away the joy of life and make it difficult to care for one’s health. The participants of our program cared for others for their entire lives - now it is time we did something for them.


A smile is the best thing you can give to others.

A smile is the first thing other people notice about us. A smile gives us self-confidence, it reflects our emotions. At Malo Clinic, we solve people's problems. We want their dreams of a beautiful smile to come true, regardless of the cost. A new smile is a chance for a new life, a life free from complexes and limitations. You have been hiding your smile long enough - with the All-on-4® treatment according to Malo Clinic Protocol, you will regain it in just one day.

See how simple it is

How to join the Metamorphosis of Smile program?

We announce a casting for the program twice a year, and each time four candidates are selected.


We always post information about castings in our social media and on our website. When a casting is open, an application form on the DDTVN website is active.


To apply, you need to fill out the form, give your contact details, write a few words about yourself, and attach a photo of your smile. Filling in the form and applying to the program is the first step to a new smile.

Metamorphosis of smile

Malo Clinic

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nowe zęby w 1 dzień

Czasami do pełni szczęścia człowiek potrzebuje…  uśmiechu. Tak właśnie było w przypadku pana Janusza, który został finalistą Metamorfozy Uśmiechu z Malo Clinic. Jeden dzień w naszej klinice sprawił, że odzyskał znacznie więcej niż dawno niewidziany uśmiech.  Metamorfozy Uśmiechu W programie…

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Smile Metamorphosis with Malo Clinic

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Smile, like winning the lottery

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Paweł Bilski

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This metamorphosis truly changed my life

Ewa Donat and Adam Anioł Thanks to the specialists from the Malo Clinic Warsaw they have gained beautiful smiles. What did this metamorphosis give them? How did their life change after the procedure? More on: https://dziendobry.tvn.pl/wideo,2064,n/ta-metamorfoza-naprawde-zmienia-zycie,233807.html